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        Before the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, a few ethnic minorities in China were still at the primitive society stage. They did counting by tying knots and recorded events by carving on wood. The older generation passed down its experience in production and life orally or through demonstrations. Singing folk songs was a way of education for the young. For some ethnic minorities, learning consisted in education in monasteries that centered on religious culture. A few ethnic minorities had started modern school education, but the number of schools was few and many of them often shut down for one reason or another.
        The central government paid great attention to EEMP. By convening a national conference on EEMP, the central government got to know the conditions of education in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities and worked out strategies for EEMP at different historical stages. The first national EEMP conference was held in September 1951 in Beijing. At the conference, it was decided to restore and transform existing schools, open various cultural and educational undertakings and establish new middle and primary schools in areas where elementary education was weak. In areas where there was a fair development of elementary education, it was decided, attention should be paid to improving teaching

Dalian Institute for Nationalities.quality and speeding up development. At the conference, it was also decided that for an ethnic minority group which has its own language, that language should be used for all courses taught at middle and primary schools.
        From then on, ethnic minority autonomous regions, in accordance with laws and regulations of the state, have developed education independently, adopting forms of education that suit local conditions. With support from the central government, such regions have established a number of new middle and primary schools, including boarding schools (primary and secondary) in remote mountainous and pastoral areas. Secondary specialized education and higher education have also developed. During 1950-1958, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Qinghai and Tibet established 10 nationalities institutes. Such institutes set up preparatory classes and cadre-training divisions, training large numbers of cadres of ethnic minority origin for areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. After 1958, the work of nationalities institutes shifted to
